Saturday, March 21, 2009

sorry. fell off. climbing back on face of earth.

I just realized that my last post was from AUGUST. Brother... While I can't guarantee that I will make particularly regular updates, I will try to do better than once every 7 months.

Work has been intense for a while. For so long, actually, that I haven't had a day off in...well, i wish I could tell you. So, today, I took a day off. A real didn't-change-out-of-my-bathrobe-all-day kind of day off. I don't think I even talked to anyone on the phone, with the exception of my mom and that persistent telemarketer.

I certainly needed the break. I've been having to ice my arm again lately which is not good. The upside of that, however, is that work is really busy. One of the projects we've been working on lately is for Daniel's brother's company, Aviation Intertec. 99.9% finished their website re-design. You can view it here:

In other news, Piers started drum lessons a few weeks ago. He seems quite engaged. It seems like a good fit for him and we're all pretty excited about it.

Freya, in the last month, has actually started speaking at school. She wouldn't speak in anything but a whisper to anyone but her teacher while at school. Seems like she has finally warmed up enough to be comfortable talking to other kids. Finally :)

The two of them continue to get along like two peas in a pod. Piers told me today that part of the reason they get along so well is because they have a "similar sense of humour". Makes good sense to me :)

Daniel continues to work at the University and we're counting down the classes until he's done for the year. We're both looking forward to having more of his time to work on the business together. Four more to go.

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