Monday, January 29, 2007

Daniel's brothers, Peter and Eric. Undoubtedly talking about sailing.

Linnea's Birthday

Piers and Freya's cousin, Linnea, had her 5th birthday the other day. Hard to believe I have a niece who is 5 years old. Flying time.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

My highschool friend Melanie (was McCallum, now Bradley) was over for a visit last night with her husband, Drew, and baby, Parker. I could not believe Parker's immediate boldness and energy. No hesitation to come to me or play with the kids. Great to visit with them.

Piers and his favourite tow truck.

Freya is becoming quite good at posing for the camera these days. She didn't used to like having her photo taken at all, but seems to have warmed up to it quite nicely :)

Thursday, January 18, 2007


A spontaneous shot in the hallway today...

Monday, January 15, 2007


I love this shot of Freya and her cousin, Mila. They were both dressed in their brand new night gowns (made by their Gran) and were completely absorbed in Lego for quite some time.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The New Year's Eve wedding

Left is the groom, Joey Mithrush. His dad actually taught with my dad quite some time ago. I remember being about 4 years old, I think, and calling him Mr. Mishmush. Apparently "Mithrush" was too great a phonetic challenge for this four year old.

Middle is my second cousin Tyler O'Brien and his sister (the bride, clearly,) Carly O'Brien, now Mithrush.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Ashley, eating my head.

New Year's...Mom made it to midnight! Go Mom!

Thanks to his parents, Daniel and I were kid-free for Carly & Joey's wedding on New Year's Eve. So much fun!

My sister, Ashley, and her boyfriend, Ste, who were visiting from England. Miss them already.

Piers, as Joey Mithrush

Carly & Joey's wedding, December 31st, 2006

Freya, Hansen Christmas on the 30th

Boxing Day family bowling!

Freya with Uncle Danny, Christmas Day dinner at Rod & Lyn's

Piers & Freya Christmas Eve after church with Sandy & Bruce